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Federal Legislation Related to Housing and Homelessness






2023S.24Fighting Homelessness Through Services and Housing ActSen. Dianne Feinstein (CA)Would authorize a grant program within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to fund housing and supportive services for individuals, youth, and families experiencing homelessness.In Senate CommitteeSupport
2023S.1557Affordable Housing Credit Improvement ActSen. Maria Cantwell (WA)Would update and make improvements to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.In Senate CommitteeSupport
2023H.R.5277Prevent Homelessness ActRep. Ted Lieu (CA-36)Would establish a Housing Stabilization Fund to provide emergency housing assistance to very low-and extremely low-income renters and homeowners.In House CommitteeSupport
2023H.R.516Fighting Homelessness Through Services and Housing ActRep. Ted Lieu (CA-36)Would authorize a grant program within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to fund housing and supportive services for individuals, youth, and families experiencing homelessnessIn House CommitteeSupport
2023H.R.4941Providing Access to Treatment and Housing (PATH) ActRep. Adam Schiff (CA-30)Would establish a Center for Unhoused Individuals within the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and create a grant program to provide mental health services, substance use disorder services, and housing services for people experiencing homelessness.In House CommitteeSupport
2023H.R.4390Housing Navigators ActRep. Adam Schiff (CA-30)Would establish a grant program to provide support for Housing Navigators who assist homeless individuals navigate local, state, and federal housing assistance programs.In House CommitteeSupport
2023H.R.418Affordable Housing Equity ActRep. Jimmy Gomez (CA-34)Would improve upon the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Housing Credit) to provide a 50% basis boost for Housing Credit developments that designate at least 20% of units to extremely low-income households and would ensure 10% of Housing Credits are set aside for developments that rent-restrict at least 20% of their units for extremely low-income households. In House CommitteeSupport
2023H.R.3238Affordable Housing Credit Improvement ActRep. Darin LaHood (IL-16)Would update and make improvements to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.In House CommitteeSupport
2023H.R.3117Hotel to Housing Conversion ActRep. Adam Schiff (CA-30)Would create a competitive grant program under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the acquisition, rehabilitation, renovation, or other conversion of structures into interim or permanent housing, and for operating costs and supportive services in connection to those developments.In House CommitteeSupport
2023H.R.2994Returning Home ActRep. Nanette Barragan (CA-44)Would authorize $100 million for community organizations in partnership with public entities to establish demonstration projects specifically for housing those returning from incarceration, including rental assistance, housing stabilization services, and financial stipends.In House CommitteeSupport